At this dark, wet and cold time of year, surely, the last thing you should be thinking about is village fetes – right?

Wrong! You see, if you’re looking to organise such an event in your own village in the spring or summer of 2020, now’s the time to think seriously about how to do just that.

So, whether you personally call it a village fete, fair, fayre or any other kind of event or celebration, here are some of the steps we would urge you to take.


Ask yourself why you’re planning a fair

Village fetes are among the great British traditions, typically being held in the open air and with the aim of raising money for a charity.

If this is the case for your own event, you may already have a specific charitable cause in mind. Alternatively, you could discuss the right choice of charity or cause for your fete with your fellow villagers, depending on what is the most pressing priority and closest to everyone’s hearts.


Determine when and where the fair will be held

We touched a bit on timing above, and it’s fair to say that the ‘typical’ date for a village fete is a fixed weekend in the summer.

A good rule of thumb – depending on how much freedom you have – is to stage your fair no sooner than May and no later than early September, to minimise the risk of bad weather. August might also be wise to avoid, given the high number of events usually held at the peak of summer.

As for the location, well, the village green is the obvious place. However, it might not be big enough for the fair you have in mind, or your village might not even have a green.

So, you might have to hold your fete in one of the organiser’s gardens instead, provided that it is sufficiently large and accessible.


Consider how you can cut costs and boost sustainability

Given that the main purpose of your village fete will presumably be to raise money, any sensible means by which you can easily cut costs ought to be welcomed.

Then, there’s the far-from-insignificant matter of ensuring your fair is not unnecessarily damaging to the only planet we have. Yes, it may be ‘just’ a fair that you’re organising, but the scope to be less-than-gentle on the environment with your activities can be surprisingly large.

Just consider, for example, all of those disposable cups that can so easily end up littering the green once a fete is over. This helps to explain why so many people planning an event like this end up ordering dedicated branded village fair cups from a renowned eco-friendly company like ours!

Yep, some gorgeous village fair cups incorporating the logo and colours of your event, and which are sufficiently durable for your fete visitors to wish to keep them as a memento, could be the ideal finishing touch, not least given that you could even sell them to attendees for a modest price per cup. That makes them a potentially great fundraising method, to add to everything else you’re doing to generate money at your village fair.

In short – contacting Branded Cups could be one of the most sensible things you do for the success of your village fete in 2020. Best of luck!


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